Live Consciously,
Reclaim your Power,
Become a Sovereign!
May your days be filled with love, passion and abundance !!!

Clearing / Healing

Karma Clearing

Decisions, truths, concepts, alignments, vows, unresolved emotions and attitudes held consciously or unconsciously by us that create, influence or magnetize events in our current reality. Or, it can be interpreted as twisted energy patterns in our morphogenetic field composed of certain frequencies. Clearing the imprints is a miraculous multi-Dimensional process. The underlying dynamics are complex but the experience is magical. Karma removal, karma releases imprints, obstructions and blocks enabling one to operate at a higher level of being and vibration.

Ancestral Clearing

Clearing accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from parental lineage, which doesn’t serve anymore. The ones not good for the highest good of the Individual. The process of consciously clearing and healing cellular memories is termed as Genetic Path cutting. Just the way our physical genetics are determined by the family we are born into, our physicality etc, similarly there is a deeper science that’s called soul genetics. A guided trance work of healing inherited emotional issues, patterns, unresolved issues from the ancestral lineage. Clearing blocks present in families for generations. A deep DNA level of soul clearing in order to restore physical, emotional, spiritual and financial wellbeing.

Emotional Healing/ Personal Issues Healing

Emotional hygiene, Psychological health is equally important as physical health. Healing emotional pain, guilt, loss etc. Feeling emotionally and socially disconnected from people around you. Releasing and transcending pain. Freeing you of victim consciousness.

Soul Wound Clearing & Healing

"Learn your theories as well as you can, but put them aside when you touch the miracle of the living soul" Carl Jung

Dysfunctions of the personality cannot be understood nor healed without an understanding of the soul. Powerful, deep healing of soul wounds, heal and resolve core issues, cleansing at a soul level. A Shamanic healing technique of soul retrieval.

Inner Child Work

The inner child is still alive within us, asking us to be true to ourselves and others. When we welcome this child back into our adult life, a great transformation can happen.

Childhood trauma, release of dysfunctional family patterns transmitted to you from family members etc, helps to alleviate inner child wounding.

A therapy where negative conditioning, trauma can be positively addressed. By Healing your inner child, you drop the façade and become the real You.

Past Life Regression

Your present life is influenced by your past. You can sense it feel it, and release emotions. There are major lessons one learns from a regression. Releasing burdens that do not serve you anymore.

Throat Chakra Healing/Sound Healing

Throat chakra is an important chakra, being the bridge between the heart chakra and the crown chakra. Pleasure of living your truth. Healing your communication with the world.

When you feel stifled, unable to communicate as clearly as you would wish to it’s time to heal.

Hara Clearing

Referred to as the sea of energy, the Hara chakra is a central area of power and essence.

If you find yourself trapped in drama, constantly shouting, complaining, being aggressive or submissive and judgmental. Then your sacral chakra needs clearing and strengthening.

Aura & Chakra Clearing

Everything in the universe is composed of energy. The aura is the human energy field that surrounds the body. It consists of different layers and colors, the colors and shape of the aura can change depending on the mental and emotional states. Aura and chakra clearing is all about bringing the aura back into balance and harmony. Harmonising, balancing and activating the main 7 chakras of the physical body.

Cord Cutting / Cord Pulling

It’s a healing process for the betterment of both the parties where negative energetic ties are severed so that the shadow of the past doesn’t hover over you and affect your present behaviour.

Remove old and new karmic ties and situations, cutting your ties with past karma, toxic people, entanglement from situations.

Pure positive connections improve, positive and loving cords always remain. You break free from repetition of old patterns. Clearing your path to help you move forward.

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot card readings have stood the test of time and proven itself over and over again to millions of users. I blend esoteric knowledge of the Tarot along with my intuitive gifts of Clair cognizant and clairsentience to give messages of healing and spiritual awakening. Tarot and Divination readings facilitate in taking a motivational approach to navigating through any of life's hurdles and help create the life you deserve. It is important to know that the Reading offered is to help YOU to find the power within YOU for your desired result.