Live Consciously,
Reclaim your Power,
Become a Sovereign!
May your days be filled with love, passion and abundance !!!

Alia Medhansha

Greetings & a warm welcome!

"In order to be guided by the truth, you must sit in stillness and listen to your heart... listen to the still small voice within... for therein lies your way!"

dr alia medhansha

I am a soul coach and metaphysical healer devoted to empowering individuals facilitating them in creating the life they desire. The purpose of my life has been to help people raise their vibrations and attain higher level of consciousness.

Today universe has empowered me to live a life with deeper connection to myself, to life around me and to the power I have within me helping me to create the life I dream of ; to live life to my greatest potential without letting anything stand in the way. All we need to do is to clear out what’s in the way.

My work of Harmonic healing or Vibrational energy healing is to activate body’s energies which brings in balance and equilibrium. Today I come as a messenger of ‘Universal consciousness and Source to guide you in finding your path that is achievable and deeply attuning; to help you in your journey of healing and wellness. As a contemporary spiritual teacher, my gift and knowledge of vibrational transformation and sacred transmissions help transform lives through the power of connection to the source- Heart wisdom accessing and awakening to what’s most real and true for the individuals.

My understanding and potentials in the metaphysical field involves clearing energetic fields, ancient practices covering mental health, emotions, brain and psychology in general. Facilitating healing on a genetic, cellular, emotional, mental, spiritual, and past life level. My work eliminates belief systems, clearing blockages, releasing fears and limitations, be it personal or professional. Empowering in Financial Alchemy, harmonic balance and DNA Advancement, facilitating joyful relationships, abundance and a healthy body.

We are now living in incredible times. Tools and techniques that are easily available to help you unlock hidden potential and uncover hidden beliefs, go beyond previous limitations, increase your self-esteem and self-awareness, increase effectiveness and productivity, simplify your life, open your creativity, increase your energy and well-being. Feel good, feel worthy.

People come to me often fascinated, sometimes curious and at times sceptical. I don’t say, mine is the only way. But surely one of the ways in reaching your true potential. My work revolves around helping individuals to remember the truth of their magnificent light and infinite personal power they carry within their open heart.

As I walk this path, I express my sense of Gratitude to my Spiritual Mother for introducing me to Myself. Thank You Maa.
