Live Consciously,
Reclaim your Power,
Become a Sovereign!
May your days be filled with love, passion and abundance !!!


As a Channel for Universal Consciousness I offer my services for all seeking answers.

Wealth Activation

Abundant living/Divine abundance - releases blocks to abundance/beliefs, establishing success and self esteem, removal of blocked creativity, connection to universal abundance, several sessions in length. To release the lack and scarcity of the mind and activating wealth consciousness.

This is done in 3 parts - Clear, reset and recode, reactivate wealth connection.

Law of Attraction Manifestation

You are empowered to create the life you wish, by focusing and attracting your desires into your life. Knowing that this universe is your personal Genie. Setting an intention for what one would like to manifest, your vibration is raised, Sacred Geometry is used, and subconscious patterning is cleared to allow the manifestation of your intention to appear in your reality. A shift in reality by releasing distorted patterns.

Personal Power Activation

Empowerment to access assertiveness, self-esteem, establishing boundaries, self-love and worthiness.

The solar plexus is an energy center responsible for personal power, self-esteem and confidence. Activating and balancing this chakra, clears out many blockages related to self-worth.

Star Seed Activation

Unlocks blocks to Spirit, awakens communication to Higher Self, beings of light, Ascended Masters. Other levels include, integrating your Divine Self, following your Divine plan with least resistance, a deeper level includes connection with your star family, a clearer path, connection to ancestral Source.

If you believe to be a Starseed or a Walk-In and would like to know why you chose to be here on this planet at this present time, you need to activate and awaken the inner you. Doing so, you reconnect to the Beacons of Light and become aware of the information about your mission that is encoded in your DNA.

Lightbody Activation

This is a journey from a Lightworker to a Light Being. Activating your heart chakra, connecting your upper and lower chakras. You now are an expanded version surrounded in your loving heart energies. This activates your cellular body, accelerating the memory base into higher consciousness.

Diamond Light Body Activation

Diamond alignment activating the physical body’s electromagnetic drivers, brings your awareness to process all that needs to be healed for a complete transformation. It accelerates your innate healing abilities, awakening the infinite consciousness within and unfolding the vast universe around. : Diamond alignment, Connection to Source, Alignment with the Divine, intelligence, love as cosmic energy, accelerates your awakening, becoming more relaxed and rejuvenated. Activates the diamond light body, DNA is automatically activated.

The Genesis Process

The Genesis Process– restores you to your original Divine Soul path, connecting to your cosmic blueprint. Clear blocks and activates DNA. As far as I know the Genesis Process is the only process that creates an individualized treatment program based on what is driving the clients cravings for self-destructive behaviors.

Divine Blue print Activation and Attunement

Activation of higher consciousness, cleansing the ego mind, recalibrate, re-establish and anchor in your divine purpose and blue print.

The constant circling upon karmic wheel comes to an end as we reach a point of truly realizing the Self as Divine. Realizing the self as an eternal limitless being deeply connected to Source.

Third Eye Activation

Clears obstacles that’s preventing you from using your intuition, a third eye cleansing of blocks, limiting beliefs, clearing high within the crown, clearing, vows, contracts, ego cleansing. The third eye is about a higher perception of Life. Activating this chakra fosters focus and concentration and intuition. Awakening your dormant psychic gifts. Enlightenment is the goal of the Soul.

Axiatonal Healing Divine Awareness

Divine awareness - Physical body is aligned with Axiatonal lines, clears, opens and prepares to receive new energies, aligns the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to facilitate healing. Circuits and grids are activated, realigns meridians. Balances the right and left side of the physical body, the yin & yang, intellect and intuition.

Sacred Geometry Activation

Raises the vibration, manifestation sequence and intent implantation, experience a raised shift in reality by releasing distorted energy patterns. Sacred Geometry is the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.